Code of Conduct


Agreement of Service

This is a copy of the Code of Conduct and Agreement of Service for your viewing. If you plan to come and stay, visit, or receive services at one of our sanctuaries, you must be at least a free member of our church and have signed this agreement. Our sanctuaries are private property, they are not open to the public at this time. This code of conduct is displayed publicly so that you may choose if you agree to it or not before becoming a member of the church. We also expect you conduct yourself appropriately during any group meeting zoom calls.

Divine Trinity Mystic Church Sanctuary Code of Conduct and Agreement of Service 

I, ___________________, as a member of DTMC, agree to the following rules and guidelines of the church whether I am visiting sanctuary grounds, receiving services on sanctuary grounds, doing community service as a representative of the church, or staying at a retreat or energy exchange experience. 

Any length of stay, one night or more, will require the signature of this agreement.  


  • I agree to not use or possess any drugs beyond plant medicine on the premises.  

  • We have a strict zero tolerance to the usage of drugs of any kind on the property beyond medicinal cannabis and ceremonial plant medicines WITH approval and guidance of a Church Leader. 

  • I agree not to bring any pets onto the premises without prior approval from all current household members, Michael, and Jillian. I agree to provide a current health certificate for any animals, and I maintain complete responsibility for them both financially and for any damage they may cause. I agree to keep any pets in the assigned guest quarters only (downstairs) and not in the rest of the house. I agree to keep my dog(s) contained to the property either in the fenced yard or closely supervised. If they are barking and becoming an annoyance to the neighbors, they will be removed from the property at MY expense. 

  • I agree to not cross the property lines at any time, for any reason, onto the neighboring properties. This is ESPECIALLY important in Minnesota where we are dealing with harassment from the neighbors.  

  • I agree to always maintain an environment of peace and tranquility while on the property. I will not play loud music, raise my voice, or be disruptive in any way, this includes driving onto the property or adjacent road.  

  • No loud music or talking after 10pm. NO EXCEPTIONS. These are VERY QUIET NEIGHBORHOODS. On the lake, the sound CARRIES everywhere and the neighbors are NOSEY.  

  • I agree not to invite any guests to the premises that are not a part of DTMC, a DTMC event, or clients, or without the approval of the house manager, Michael and Jillian.  

  • We want this to be a safe environment for everyone here. So please be considerate of other people and the privacy of the sanctuary. House guests are not permitted without their own signed agreement and membership, period. Violation of this point will result in IMMEDIATE revocation of membership.  

  • I agree to be respectful to all people and animals in the house.  

  • This includes keeping communal areas clean, tempers calm, and treating everyone how you want to be treated. You are expected to clean up after at least yourself and any pets you have daily. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated, this is a SANCTUARY. No disrespect of anyone’s spiritual path as we are a collective, not a religion. 

  • I agree to put in 4 hours of service per day for DTMC in exchange for my stay at either location in this self-sustaining community. I agree that if I do not keep up with my services for two consecutive weeks this will be considered voluntary termination of this agreement, and I will vacate the premises at my OWN expense and of my OWN accord, with no involvement of outside force needed.  

  • Services may include but are not limited to house maintenance, lawn care, snow removal, crafting, outreach, or any of your talents you may have to offer. There is enough to do to fill the daily hours. You may ask Michael, Jillian, or the house manager at any time for tasks to complete. It is your responsibility to keep track of your hours and related services and log them DAILY in the house chat, with pictures if applicable. These services are an even energy exchange for your stay and non-negotiable. Everyone has some ability they can contribute. If you would rather make a donation of monetary means instead of labor and services, that is perfectly acceptable as well. All donations go to household expenses, which are substantial and are funded entirely by Michael or donations from members.  

  • I agree to attend a weekly group meeting to budget and plan the upcoming week's activities and expenses, celebrate accomplishments, and address any new business.  

  • I agree to complete transparency of all disputes, finances, and all household decisions and agree to utilize the group chat to address said issues that concern the entire household. I agree that I will NOT go to any one person individually without addressing the entire group in the chat. 

  •  We are all in this together. A group video chat may be called at any time, just address the concern in the chat and we will have a meeting.  

  • I agree to keep my property within my personal space and not enter anyone else’s personal space without permission. 

  • Stealing will not be tolerated. The communal areas do have cameras and they do work. 

  • I agree that the first 30 days of my stay is to be considered a retreat in which it is determined if I am a fit for the household and allowed to stay longer. There will be a house meeting to review and if it’s not working out for either party, I am free to leave at that time, or understand I may be asked to leave at that time, at my OWN expense.  

  • I agree to be financially responsible for any damage caused by myself, approved guest, and/or pet.  

  • I agree that I am here on a temporary basis as part of a charity organization, in service to the Divine Trinity Mystic Church, not a tenant, and if at any time I am in violation of this code of conduct, I may be asked to leave immediately, and agree to do so without any legal action against the church, founders, or members. Violating these rules will result in expulsion from the organization and property. No exceptions. 

Dear New Community Member,  

Because this is not only a church retreat and sanctuary, but our home, please keep it sacred. This is not a party house, fraternity, or exclusive club. Be respectful and inclusive and keep it spiritual. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn and grow with others. 

We are all here for a common goal, and that is to promote unity and spirituality in a positive and peaceful way. So, we just ask that you take this seriously and help us maintain the grounds and extend our reach where possible, so that we can keep it comfortable for everyone in our household and build our community so that we may help more people like you. We understand everyone is coming from different paths. We operate on a higher frequency here. Just use common sense and let us all work together to make sure we all thrive.  

In closing and to address past accusations, we are hoping to create a space for more leaders to emerge from, NOT followers, and this is not “cult” in any way. We recommend a stay of at least three weeks, but plan to spread your wings after your time with us and fly to the next adventure on your path of enlightenment. 

With your help and involvement in helping these centers for healing grow, we will eventually expand to some off grid sustainable communities that may allow for longer stays for long standing community members, but at this time that is not possible. We need your involvement to keep the sanctuaries we have open for use to our members and allow the love to spread to as many people as possible.  

With Peace and Love, Michael and Jillian Rogers